This site and the accompanying YouTube channel are currently on the backburner for me. I know I was posting all the time a year ago, but I switched to focusing on astrophotography and it’s much more in line with where I want things to go. No, it’s not an archive, it’s just on the backburner.
For the channel: I tried doing tips for hiking, but didn’t enjoy it near as much as I enjoy the same for astrophotography. What I enjoyed with my hiking channel was making hike videos, but I have no plans to hike at the moment. With that, when I do hike, I’ll post a video and release some tips here on the website in text form.
I do pay attention to analytics, I see this and my astro site in both. I’ve noticed people came here after searching “how to escape the office.” For you, I have to say: find your passion, and chase it. You WILL escape the office and enjoy life.