It’s been busy!

Hello Escape artists!

The past few months have been very busy for me. I’ve moved and settled in, holidays have come and gone, I’ve let my nerd side shine in the office. But, here we are, January is almost over and my mind is constantly on the trail again.

A car camping trip is already being thought of for late March. I will make sure we have a hike while we are out there.

I am planning to go back to the AT in May. I have a mandatory two weeks off for work (because of the contract I am currently under). The plan is to get the sections I missed between Hot Springs and Damascus, VA. I missed about 70 miles between Hot Springs and Iron Mountain, so that will be first. I am hoping to finish that in around 5 days. Based on what time I have left, I will go as far as I can from where I left off near Roan Mountain and head towards Damascus. I will leave a couple buffer days to help shuttle to trail days (and make sure I have a ride back to my car, as I will have it the whole time).

Lastly, I changed the map page! I now have a completion tracker. I know it will take a few years to finish, as I will be sectioning from now on. But, as I make progress, I will fill it in! Once I get closer to PA I will start making weekend trips out to the PA sections. Keep in mind other hikes will happen alongside trips to the AT!

I apologize for disappearing for a while, but as Winter fades away, the wilderness is calling my name!

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